Staroslovenská krčma i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietStaroslovenská krčma


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Michalská 387/14 81103 Bratislava, 811 01 Bratislava-Staré Mesto, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/544 308 72
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1447157, Longitude: 17.1068425

kommentar 5

  • en

    Peter Nagy


    Super delicious traditional food. One of my favorite place.

  • Peter Krejči

    Peter Krejči


    Excellent beer and food as well!

  • Amir Sudjono

    Amir Sudjono


    Duck way too salty

  • Nico Wohlgemuth

    Nico Wohlgemuth


    Food was good and plenty.

  • Ivan Krustev

    Ivan Krustev


    Very good restaurant for those who prefer to try national cuisine. In the brink of historical center, nearby the most of good hotels, cellar type, little claustrophobic and easily overcrowded,but very spectacular and homely. If you have a spare time and a good company, try “Mojmírova misa” and “slivovica” (local plum brandy). If you have delicate stomach, refrain from dishes with cabbage (kapusta). Refrain from drinking “slivovica” with beer (how it is usually served), unless you want to get drunk in a shot; a glass of water is OK. If you leave the small change (no need of more than 10EUR), you’ll get all the attention of the personnel. Enjoy!

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