Student Residence v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoStudent Residence



🕗 otváracia doba

Pondelokotvorené 24 hodín
Utorokotvorené 24 hodín
Stredaotvorené 24 hodín
Štvrtokotvorené 24 hodín
Piatokotvorené 24 hodín
Sobotaotvorené 24 hodín
Nedel'aotvorené 24 hodín
7, Viedenská cesta, 851 01, Bratislava V, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 911 100 708
web stránka:
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Latitude: 48.1335428, Longitude: 17.097889

komentári 5

  • en

    Lara Brinzing


    My advice: DO NOT STAY IN THE INCHEBA STUDENT RESIDENCE! On their homepage they claim to be the safest and most luxurious student residence in Bratislava and therefore, charge a superior rent for their rooms. In reality, you are under 24/7 surveillance, you get fined for any move you make, the personnel is super unfriendly, the wifi is the biggest joke ever, and you need to pay an extra for anything (gym, fridge, receiving packages, ...). Of course, staying in this residence appears to be an easy option at first sight, but I promise that you are way better off with searching for a private room in a shared apartment. You will be super annoyed by this shitshow after a few weeks.

  • en

    Isi Wa


    I lived nearly half a year in Incheba. The people at the reception gives different information and are not that nice and helpful. They have cameras everywhere (kitchen, hallways, laundry room, gym, …), what makes it feel a little bit like prison, but they only use them for the residences favor and not for stolen items etc. Furthermore there are a lot of people in Incheba which are not students and in the Internet it says only for students. Incheba has a premium price for a student residence in Bratislava. The others are about half cheaper and have the same service. They make room controls. So you have to pay a fine when they think your room isn´t tidy enough for them. They also see a wet shower as a dirty bathroom. For the people who smoke, it isn´t allowed to smoke on the balcony and nobody says that in the beginning. When you receive letters or packages you have to pay 1 € to get them. Also when you borrow the vacuum cleaner, a hairdryer or something else and bring it back after the time limit you have to pay for every hour. In the Internet it says the gym is include. No, it isn´t you have to pay for it. You have to pay when you want a fridge in your room, which is there from the beginning. And you also need to pay when you don´t want the fridge but it is in your room. But you can only pay for 5 months. So if you are there only for 3 months you have to pay 2 months extra. It is the same with the amount of the accommodation. You have to pay for the whole time, even if you are there not for the whole time. They say they have Wi-Fi but it don´t works everywhere and not every time. So they say you should bring your own Ethernet cable. So you can have Internet on your Notebook but it is very slow. Also it is not allowed to make your own Hotspot. When you have one, you have to pay. – So you have to pay for nearly everything!

  • en

    Casper Hellsten


    Rude staff, they fine you for ridiculous things. Advertised as a student dormitory but I can assure you, this place was under heavy surveillance and the surveillance was only used for fines, not if anything went missing and would have helped the "resident" out. The contract was 10 pages long if you want to rent a room for a longer period of time here and it specifically said in the contract that the English version will not be the one followed because "possible translation errors". This merely means that if something were to be found in benefit of the resident, it would be changed to favour the residence. 1/5

  • Martina Himma

    Martina Himma


    Rude and unfriendly staff. They make up new rules for the residents as they please and try to fine people for everything possible. It may be advertised as student residence but you will not find dorm atmosphere there.

  • en

    Friederike Müller


    Not recommended at all. Charging money for everything! Cameras everywhere which are only used in the residences favour but not for stolen items etc. or to help residents. There are way better alternatives of student housing in Bratislava - and to be honest there are a lot of other people living in the student residence which are for sure not students.

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