Ty Somaru v Bratislavský kraj

SlovenskoTy Somaru



🕗 otváracia doba

2183/9, Špitálska, 811 08, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakty telefón: +421 948 725 063
web stránka: www.tysomaru.sk
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Latitude: 48.1457574, Longitude: 17.1144576

komentári 5

  • en

    matej herc


    I am glad to see some burrito shop open in the city. Although, it will still need some time to have a real burrito. I won't write down all details, but burrito felt tasteless, undercooked (tortilla) and cold. Would it be better to give it a bit more time for research, so you can learn the way how roll a burrito, which equipment to use, as well as ingredients to give a burrito a right latin flavour. I hope it will improve to have a reason to return.

  • en

    Adam Milnes


    Having lived in California all my life I'd say I know a thing or two about burritos. We ordered a chicken burrito and vegetarian tacos, both of which left a lot to be desired. This review is intended to point out some things that need to be improved for this place to really succeed as a Mexican restaurant. Tacos: Vegetables were fine, however, the tortilla tasted almost doughy and undercooked. They also top it with red onions? why... its always white onion and cilantro. I would also suggest getting something better than a hot plate to cook the tortillas, it's also common to heat them with a little oil. Lastly, you serve a side of rice? Why not give a half scoop of rice and a half scoop of beans? Burrito with guacamole: -I paid 1 euro for guacamole and ended up with less guacamole than one of my girlfriend's tacos. If I gotta pay extra there should be a decent portion. - Overall the burrito was just very plain and I couldn't really even taste the chicken. If the burrito is going to be 50% or more made up of rice, maybe it would be a good idea to make Arroz Rojo to add some flavor to the burrito. The extra spicy salsa had some nice heat and decent flavor, however, nothing else really stood out flavor wise so all I could taste is sweetness from the corn and salsa. I hope this serves as constructive criticism and I hope to see this place improve in the near future.

  • en

    Jakub Jurkovič


    Go for it ;)

  • pavol kovacs

    pavol kovacs


    Great burritos, superb staff.

  • Mato Měkota

    Mato Měkota


    Don't be afraid of the hot sauces. Šupa (medium) wasn't spicy at all.

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