VRBA - Virtual Reality Gin&Tonic Bar i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietVRBA - Virtual Reality Gin&Tonic Bar



🕗 åbningstider

23, Panenská, 811 03, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Eslovaquia
kontakter telefon: +421 907 231 985
internet side: vrbratislava.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.1481081, Longitude: 17.1049894

kommentar 5

  • Michal Hlavac

    Michal Hlavac


    Vrba = virtual reality bar. Viete si tu užiť kopec zábavy stále znova znova a znova. Okrem zábavy si viete vychutnať zaujímavé drinky, ktorých základ tvorí hlavne gin. Ak radi skúste nové veci a chcete si "skočiť z mrakodrapu" choďte do toho. VRBA vás bude určite baviť.

  • Kristina Ortega Bisahova

    Kristina Ortega Bisahova


    Fantastic place!!! The guy who was helping us with the tools was super helpful and fun and ready to assist with any game. They have great beer and coctails there. The couch is super comfortable. We played many different games and had tremendous fun 😄

  • Lidija Kopecki

    Lidija Kopecki


    Great place for Teambuilding! Easy to arrange and worth of time spent. Supporting crew is patient and caring, looking out for your safety while you are emerging into virtual world. Thank you guys! You rock :)

  • en

    Peter Pekarik


    Cool place to hang out with friends in the centre of Bratislava, good selection of games. The simulation of jumping from the skyscraper seems very realistic. They put the wooden board under your feet which is maybe one foot above the ground but once you have to jump it is pretty scary. Worth to try it.

  • Jakub



    Zaujimavy zazitok a dobre miesane napoje. Personal su vsetko mladi chalani. Obcas vsak clovek "dostane prideleneho" na obsluhu zariadenia takeho, ktory radsej pozera do mobilu ako na to, ci nieco nepotrebujete. Po osloveni vsak vzdy pomerne rychlo priskocil a pomohol. Bol som tu viac krat s roznymi partiami ludi a zatial sa vsetkym pacilo. Pristup, resp. parkovanie trochu problematicke.

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