Adam's home-made chocolate i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietAdam's home-made chocolate


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26, Zámocká, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 948 729 080
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Latitude: 48.1448561, Longitude: 17.1005699

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alison S


    Best hot chocolate I've ever had. Service was great, atmosphere was great, nice way to spend an hour or two. Amazing chocolates!

  • Jakub Uhrík

    Jakub Uhrík


    Very nice atmosphere and kind personal. And tbe best chololate in town :-)

  • Paul-Eugène Savoiu

    Paul-Eugène Savoiu


    A place where you can stay all day eating chocolates with a smooth background of classical French music. Delighted.

  • Richu Royce

    Richu Royce


    Amazing place to have a cup of chocolate, affordable prices and extremely friendly staff. The snow outside made my hot chocolate perfect. A must visit gem if you travel to Bratislava 🙂

  • Gena Sturgon

    Gena Sturgon


    A hidden gem filled with delicious chocolate! A bit outside of the old town, but worth the extra walking. The hot chocolate is literally melted chocolate and it's delicious. I'm normally not a fan of dark chocolate, but Adam's Homemade dark chocolate was great.

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