Art Hostel Taurus i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietArt Hostel Taurus



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24, Zámocká, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/207 224 01
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.14476, Longitude: 17.100116

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nick Sykes


    Great quality and good value small hostel short walk from centre. Clean rooms bit small, however tv, a/c were an unexpected bonus. Staff friendly - great stay

  • 嗡魚井



    You cannot really cook in this hostel cause they only have a microwave for the kitchen. But the room is nice, and everyone got a locker. Even the property claim they have AC, but the room I stayed only equipped with fan.

  • Antal Berenyi

    Antal Berenyi


    Great, clean hostel next to the castle and close to the old town. Affordable and friendly. Decent breakfast included but nothing fancy to expect. AC is a boon.

  • en

    Jonas Wagner


    Nice hostel close to the city center of Bratislava. The rooms are really spacious and clean, the bathrooms as well. There is a nice "indoor yard" to get in contact with other people. Price includes breakfast and internet, both is satisfying. The hostel has a 24 hour reception, the staff is quite friendly.

  • Prashant Pratap Singh

    Prashant Pratap Singh


    Great location. In between the City Castle and the Old city square. Decent complementary breakfast and on the house Tea and Coffee all day! Rooms and Washroom were clean and hygienic.

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