Bratislava Tantra i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietBratislava Tantra



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16, Ventúrska, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 911 042 461
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1431806, Longitude: 17.106593

kommentar 5

  • Darryl P. Wooten

    Darryl P. Wooten


    Went here yesterday and I highly recommend this place very professional and elegant rooms and of course great massage. Many thanks for the massage!

  • en

    Randy Foltz


    This place is amazing! After spending all day in Bratislava this is just what i needed. I've never felt so relaxed. I only did the 1 hour session (wish I did more) which was followed by a fantastic body to body massage .The room was also clean and elegant. Masseuse very helpful and pretty. Visit this place and you'll not forget it!!

  • en



    This place offers the best massage ever, very authentic. I am feeling so much better since I am getting my massage there, and I would recommend to anyone to try it once. I also experienced for the first time four hands massage, it is amazing. I also recommend this massage to anybody once in his life. I love this place very much. Thank you

  • en

    Engbert Weide


    I LOVED my mutual tantra massage. It was my first and now I’m hooked. My massage therapist was awesome. So much so that I have booked with her again a few days from now and more massage. I highly suggest Diana.

  • en

    Kristian Fiedler


    I have made an appointment very quick within few minutes, great communication and i was new into tantra massages so i was a little bit confused, but masseuse helped me to choose right tantra program for me. I had mutual body tantra program and it was wonderful!! Very kind and helpful masseuses.

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