Tantra masáže a Kurzy MagicalTouch Bratislava i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietTantra masáže a Kurzy MagicalTouch Bratislava



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371/7, Michalská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 919 296 806
internet side: magicaltouch.sk
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Latitude: 48.144558, Longitude: 17.106632

kommentar 5

  • April Banks

    April Banks


    Misha knew exactly what to do to have me feel at ease. Before starting she explained what was going to happen, the feelings and emotions which might come up and how I could have that energy flow through me with the use of movement and especially sound. I felt his professionalism and groundedness and was able to completely let go in my session with her. I felt well held, she kept checking in with me and yet allowing me my process. A lot of tension and emotions were released and I felt re-energised and deeply relaxed after our session. I will continue having sessions with Misha and recommend her highly!

  • Jayden Walker

    Jayden Walker


    I thought I would write a review about my experience with Magical Touch. I have been on the tantric massage scene for a few years now and tried pretty much every agency and independent tantric service out there. Magical touch is hands down miles ahead of the rest in every respect. From the second I called in I was offered expert advice and a standard of customer service that was out of this world. The massage was booked with Nadira and was probably the most highly skilled tantric masseuse I have come across in my years. Excellent service all round, and a breath of fresh air in the tantric massage industry. Highly recommended I have also tried classic sports massage with feet scrub at this place. Very great!!!

  • Mark Scott

    Mark Scott


    Great tantra studio, not many like this in bratislava. Clean and luxurious place, great service (got a tea with honey, lemon, lemonade, snacks and gift after massage) I had Magical touch program, everything was as discribed. Masseuse was massing me 70 minutes and not 70 minutes with shower and everything as in other tantra studios. She also had shower with me twice. Thank you, it was pleasure to visit your studio. Excelent service!

  • Thomas Thomas

    Thomas Thomas


    Excelent massage, clean and luxurious studio. Thank you. Great service and absolutely amazing masseuse Nadira.

  • Mike Pekt

    Mike Pekt


    Thank you Misha for you perfect massage. Interior was clean and well designed. Only one problem that i had, i couldn't find it. Maybe some little sign or photo on google maps would be fine. But anyway thank you, it was awesome. I will be back for sure!

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