DQ Bistro Polievočka i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietDQ Bistro Polievočka



🕗 åbningstider

2, Malý trh, 811 08, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 950 787 185
internet side: www.bistropolievocka.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.146893, Longitude: 17.1234419

kommentar 5

  • weseli - edits

    weseli - edits


    I have never had a bad experience there. The soups are absolutely fabulous.

  • Ondrej Brichta

    Ondrej Brichta


    Best soup in town

  • Ferenc Lukács

    Ferenc Lukács


    Nirvana of the SOUPS!, Wide variety of soups are always fresh, always delicious, always heavenly tastes. If someone misses to be here knows really lost something in his/her life... Absolutely recommended to visit here! Watch out! You will not able to choose! Rather come here every single day and you will be absolutely satisfied! 👍😁

  • Ernest Walzel

    Ernest Walzel


    Really well-made and filling soups. Great for lunch

  • Tomáš Sarlós

    Tomáš Sarlós


    Everybody has to try at least once. They usually serve 3 types of very nutrituos, dense, filling soups and one meal. Soups are standalone complete meal prepared with special care and from high standard seasonal ingredients. Usually have also gluten free, no milk or vegan options. They are closed on mondays, since they are buying ingredients on this day for the upcoming week. Plus they make one of the best desserts in the town. Place is little small, so they make takeaways too. My favourite for lunch - I do not have to think about what they serve, everything is satisfying.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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