DREAM Hostel Bratislava i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietDREAM Hostel Bratislava



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9A, Leškova, 811 04, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/330 002 37
internet side: dream-hostels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.1543131, Longitude: 17.108547

kommentar 5

  • Raluca Bindac

    Raluca Bindac


    Probably the best hostel we stayed at: very clean, friendly staff and brilliant location.

  • en

    Papp Marcell


    We were with the class. The staff were very nice and helpful. During our day they were also taking care of our luggage. The rooms are very clean, the beds are comfortable, large. The bathrooms are impeccable. Each bed has a separate lamp and 2 sockets. Magnetic card access control, maximum security. We'll definitely go back. From the city center 10 minutes to the train station 2 tram stops 5 minutes. I absolutely recommend it.

  • en

    VAN Ggoogle Truong


    Good hostel I ever been. The room is clean and the kitchen have everything you need. Nice bar in the dining room next to the reception. There is a store room so if you check out you can leave your bags.The staff are friendly. Highly recomend.

  • Vincent Oliver

    Vincent Oliver


    One of the best hostels we have stayed in. Such friendly staff. Great facilities (reception, social area and bar/snacks, “sunroom”, modern kitchen) Our room was quiet and comfy bed. We chose the en-suite option with a lovely shower room. The location is good with an easy 20minute walk into the Old Town. Spent 3 nights at Dream - was sorry to leave.

  • tas noor

    tas noor


    the place can be easily located n the transportation system to the hostel is quite convenient, just get 212 bus from the central bus station n then walk for 3 mins. it was clean and beautiful. the staff are friendly and there was luggage room

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