Hostel Blues i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietHostel Blues



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2205/2, Špitálska, 811 08, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 905 204 020
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Latitude: 48.1467593, Longitude: 17.1150562

kommentar 5

  • Forrest Beeler

    Forrest Beeler


    Not a bad hostel. Wish curtains were darker in the rooms. Bathrooms are nice enough. Cool lounge area on first floor and very helpful staff. It's too hot not to have AC in the rooms though. I had a hard time sleeping because of this.

  • Asaf Levy

    Asaf Levy


    It has a great 'home' vibe to it, lively, in the good way, staff is super helpful and kind, rooms are big, and maintained in great condition, this hostel also has a theme, so you'll be surprised once you get the key..

  • en

    Mikkel Haunstrup


    A very nice hostel with a great staff, they’re really friendly and helpful. The reception/chill area has a really great vibe and is a nice place to relax and have a cold beer after a long day.

  • en

    Euro Kikuchi


    It's an amazing hostel!!!!!! First of all, the staffs there are super kind and they helped me where I should go. Hostel Blue also has many activities that guests can join. Some of them are free some of them, you need to pay but it was very good opportunity to know people who are also traveling. I had super nice conversation with staffs there and other guests and I would definitely recommend this place.

  • María Guillermina Véscovo

    María Guillermina Véscovo


    It's a nice hotel, close to bus stations and city centre. The rooms aren't big, but they're clean and so is the bathroom. However, I believe they were a little cold. Beds are comfortable (can't say the same about the pillows). Atmosphere is nice, not many people (February), but we got a couple as roommates that made our stay waaay more enjoyable. Recommended for people who are on a budget and don't spend much time in the hostel.

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