Roset Boutique Hotel i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietRoset Boutique Hotel



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10, Štúrova, 811 02, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/321 718 19
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.142652, Longitude: 17.1140271

kommentar 5

  • Przemek Wolski

    Przemek Wolski


    Very tired. Not impressed at all. Business trip, so not to complain, but for holiday I'd regret. Booked for man, but de-makeup pads in toilet, but nothing to shave. Single occupant, but had 2 small quilts in my bed. No logic all across. Shame, could be really nice place as room was very big. Actually it was suite size of apartment.

  • Peter Milo

    Peter Milo


    Very nice hotel with very nice rooms and staff, very close to the old town center, close to the danube promenade and also to the modern shopping and business center eurovea which is a 5 minutes walk from this hotel. Extraordinary rooms. Service excellence from what i have experienced.

  • Santiago Valcarcel

    Santiago Valcarcel


    Excellent hotel, rooms are big great customer service

  • kevin mcdonnell

    kevin mcdonnell


    Wonderful little hotel rooms are huge and food is great. And service is brilliant

  • Jenny Young

    Jenny Young


    Excellent service. Excellent rooms with attention to detail. Great location for the old town and hotel staff happy to give you information to help find your way around the city.

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