Great Club&Restaurant i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietGreat Club&Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

6, Suché mýto, 81102, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 905 887 887
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1470173, Longitude: 17.1067796

kommentar 5

  • en

    ahmed kawashki


    We simply order orange juice and they charged us triple the price but then gave use our money back.other than that great food

  • en

    emma sloot


    Amazingly quick service. Nice places to sit. The staff approached us in English, which made us feel very comfortable in a place where we do not know the language. The food was great, and very quickly brought to us. Their name is no lie. Also the free WiFi is quite fast

  • Dee-michael Thorne

    Dee-michael Thorne


    The name of this place is no lie, it really is great. Attentive (and English speaking) staff Good sized portions (I recommend the Carbonara, better than I found in Italy) Really well priced (especially for a capital city) Very cool decor Loved the passion fruit pitcher non-alcoholic cocktails My favourite place to eat I found in Bratislava

  • en

    John O'Reilly


    Spent two nights here.... Loved it. Food was great, music was super & decor was class. It's a real modern, chilled out atmosphere, which I really enjoyed. There's a night club attached but I didn't venture that far. If you're looking for a drink and a chat in a really cool bar, this is the place for you.

  • en

    Silvio Čače


    Great restaurant with good and tasty food. Superb interior and excellent service. Very well worth for money. Recommended !

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