Holiday Village Tatralandia i Liptovský Mikuláš

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SlovakietHoliday Village Tatralandia



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Ráztocká, 031 05, Liptovský Mikuláš, Liptovský Mikuláš, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 44/290 13 23
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.107645, Longitude: 19.57356

kommentar 5

  • Martin D.

    Martin D.


    We stayed in a deluxe Apartment (refurbished and modern Apartment) and can recommend the holiday village. The breakfast is great and offers many slovakian specialties. Thanks a lot to the friendly staff.

  • Szabolcs Józsa

    Szabolcs Józsa


    We stayed in one of the bigger huts for a sky trip. It was nice, and comfortable with a certain charm for sure. It was not too far away from the ski tracks. Could get there in 15 minutes. The only problem was the lack of parking spots around the slopes. So if you are not in a hotel on the slope, you will need to get up early to be there before the rush. We had a hard time finding the water heater switch, but the cleaning lady helped. Did not speak english though.

  • petra badzikova

    petra badzikova


    Grat for families ... highly recomended

  • Ora Exacta

    Ora Exacta


    Nice place, territory is very clean, lots of places for children. Comfortable room, clean and warm. Small kitchenette. Good WiFi. But you will hear every word and step of your neighbours.

  • Baroz Gold

    Baroz Gold


    Nice little wooden huts located right next to Tatralandia Aquapark. Great place to come back after whole day off snowboarding ;)

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