Penzión Vivendi i Liptovský Mikuláš

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietPenzión Vivendi


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25, J. Žuffu, 031 01, Liptovský Mikuláš, Liptovský Mikuláš, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +420 773 519 606
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.0883627, Longitude: 19.6012639

kommentar 5

  • Andriy Shtoyko

    Andriy Shtoyko


  • Egidijus Skomantas

    Egidijus Skomantas


  • Anna M R

    Anna M R


  • Марина Кругликова

    Марина Кругликова


  • Jarosław Brzemiński

    Jarosław Brzemiński


    +Penzion Vivendi is one floor big house with free parking and fast free WiFi. It is lockated about 16km from Jasna Chopok, 4 km from Tatralandia, 18 km from Besenova 4-10km to lake and 5 min from skibus (I don't recommend skibus in high season because it is free but almost always overcrowded and when you try return at 4p.m. you can have no free space and must wait for next and next. If you want to go to Jasna Chopok by car and want to have free parking you need go before 9a.m.) by walk. To the city center is about 5 min by walk. Owners are very friendly, helpful and nice people whose speak english and polish maybe more :). We got some food and wine to greet. We could take wood for the fireplace. There is big bath and shower. This is nice place for summer because there is garden and near to lake. Good Price. We recomend this place! -Only one minus there is no mountain views because house is loceted in silent area but in city.

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