hostellemon i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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18, Exnárova, 821 03, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Eslovaquia
kontakter telefon: +421 904 100 111
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1568077, Longitude: 17.169157

kommentar 5

  • Jan Plachý

    Jan Plachý


    Za tu cenu je tady hodně čisto. Vynikající

  • en

    K.M. Seeley


    Very noisy. No staff onsite, nor are they available to help if you have a dispute with other guests. (We had to deal with guests who were very loud well past 10pm, the posted start of quiet hours. One guest was borderline hostile. When we texted the "24/7" staff, they texted back that there wasn't anything they could do.) There's 1 unisex bathroom whose showers have curtains (not doors with locks). Overall the building looks like a jail cell, and it's not convenient to downtown. One positive: the room and the linens seemed to be clean. Otherwise it was awful.

  • en

    F S


    This was the worst hostel I've ever stayed at. The beds were really uncomfortable, the bed linen was of some very disgusting cloth and the bathroom and the showers were dirty. Our standards are not very high, but nevertheless this place was terrible. Lucky we only stayed one night.

  • Joanna Kapica

    Joanna Kapica


    This place was truly a disappointment. Not very clean, located in pretty uninviting building. No towels were provided. Bathroom needed some attention from stuff. But through my stay I have not seen anyone there taking care of place. Kitchen was not in good shape. Rooms were ok, but nothing special. I think way overpriced for the standards it offered.

  • Łukasz T

    Łukasz T


    Hostel praktycznie samoobsługowy. Sama okolica nie jest zbyt urokliwa ale blisko znajduje się przystanek tramwajowy z liniami prowadzącymi do historycznego centrum (ok 20 minut linia nr 8). Nie ma problemu z dojazdem i zaparkowaniem. Idealne miejsce na przystanek w drodze na wakacje np. nad Adriatykiem.

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