Patio Hostel i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietPatio Hostel



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35, Špitálska, 811 08, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/529 257 97
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.147467, Longitude: 17.115078

kommentar 5

  • Pascal Droogmans

    Pascal Droogmans


    Hostel with youth energy. A warm welcome in perfect English and a free beer. Very nice and clean rooms. Friendly staff. Parking is to be paid extra. Close to the center, walking distance. And 10% discount on breakfast at Stur Cafe. Not very noticeable from the street side.

  • en

    Harry Limniotis


    Nice enough hostel with good bar and comfortable rooms, but there was no hot water during my stay. I booked an en-suite room specifically and the receptionist just told me to use another floor, of which didn’t have any water either. I don’t think asking for a hot shower is too much to ask in a hostel.

  • Sam Saltwell

    Sam Saltwell


    Very functional hostel, which was clean and in a good location. Doesn't have huge amounts of character... it looks and feel a bit like a bit block of flats, but you're only here to sleep, right? It's located in a courtyard, so set back from the road and you have to enter through a kind of tunnel, but it's pretty easy to spot and feels safe enough. They could really do with getting some artists in there to paint the walks with murals and something other than white. The common room and basement bar are thankfully both good and the only parts of the building which actually make it feel or look like a hostel. Generally it was very quiet and peaceful while we were there, so apparently not a party hostel at all. Must say it was hard to get a smile out of the staff, which I think say a lot about a hostel and how fun it is to stay there. The hostel is also opposite a very nice arthouse cinema and bistro cafe, both are definitely recommended. Otherwise the old town is only a 5-10 minute walk away. And perhaps most importantly, the price of rooms/beds here is a bargain, so all round a good place to stay when in Bratislava. If you found my review helpful, please give me a thumbs up 👍 Thanks!

  • Jacek Swobodzinski

    Jacek Swobodzinski


    Clean and comfy, not bad location but we had a nightmare room mate. Staff asked him to leave but never escorted him to the room and out of the building so he had a chance to spitefully damage my wife's crutches and steel some perfumes and cosmetics. The parking to expensive comparing to the room prices.

  • en

    Avi Rajender


    I stayed here for a night last November, it was a good place to stay. Clean, safe, secure with an easy walk to the city center. Restaurants and food stands nearby, and they give you suggestions on places to go. The only thing is that it was pretty dead when I went, there probably won’t be a lot going on outside of peak season. The rooms are good even though they didn't have a lot of floor space. The layout is unique - each floor is divided into pods of 4-5 rooms, with each pod having a bathroom and its own kitchen area. There's a nice lounge and a bar in the basement, and a common patio outside in the back. They do a cool Slovak Barbecue in the evenings, but unfortunately it wasn't running when I went. They also have a pub crawl every night for about 4-5 Euros.

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