Mercure Bratislava Centrum Hotel i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietMercure Bratislava Centrum Hotel



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Zabotova street 2, Bratislava 1, 811 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/572 770 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.156235, Longitude: 17.1080863

kommentar 5

  • smita trivedi

    smita trivedi


    Very good decorated lobby WID restaurant and bar .staff is helpful. Decent room.wid all facilities like TV.fridge etc.big room WID nice decor. Big bathroom. Overall good comfy stay. Nice breakfast.

  • Юлия Барабаш

    Юлия Барабаш


    Very modern hotel. Good smell in room not smoked. Good standard size of room. Helpful staff! Classic and it has everything you need. Actually what you are waiting from hotel..

  • en

    Giulia Bruno


    The hotel is very nice, very good and clean rooms. It’s located 5minutes from the train station. Nevertheless it’s a bit far from the old town (at least 15 minutes by walk). The staff are professional. Ok value.

  • en

    Vladimir Fuga


    Impressed! Really impressed! I expected cheap bedroom close to station. But it's really good hotel with reasonable price. And quiet, clean, warm.

  • Gosia M Kwiatkowska

    Gosia M Kwiatkowska


    The hotel is well located within City Centre. It’s very close to the main central station and very easy access to and from the Airport bus 61. A truly 5 star experience. Lovely decorations, comfortable bed and rooms are very spacious. Great breakfast and polite and pleasant staff. I would recommend this hotel to anyone.

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