Hostel Bratislava by Freddie i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietHostel Bratislava by Freddie


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3, Holekova, 811 04, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 911 264 009
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1565874, Longitude: 17.1093508

kommentar 5

  • en

    Анна Купреенкова


    They dont have enough plugs.... in washrooms it's a bit dirty

  • youtuber family

    youtuber family


    Dirty beds, used condoms in room, if you ask, what is this service?!? They answer: is a hostel, not a hotel.

  • Édio Sofka

    Édio Sofka


    I arrived around 3am and was a bit worried if there would be someone to check me in, but this was no issue as I haven't waited at all. Check-out was 10am, on which would give us just a few hours to sleep, so they were nice enough to give us an extra hour and check out at 11am! I've stayed in a bedroom that I quite liked. It was spacious, bright, and considering the price I've paid, it was good enough. The bathroom and bedroom were very clean. Bratislava is a small city in general, I did everything by foot, but I guess location is good enough. But definitely not a good choice if you're a light sleeper. The area is loud, with garbage trucks coming very early in the morning, the cleaning ladies talking loudly and smashing doors shut. I don't remember choosing a smoke-free room or if there was even such an option, but my room and parts of the building definitely smelled like cigarettes, another down point for me.

  • en

    Marina Kulikova


    Good for hostel. Clean small, good location. But breakfast is very poor

  • en

    Chris Watson


    Staff are friendly, breakfast is good if you choose it too. Rooms need modernisation and are tired but serviceable. Location is about 25 mins walk to old town

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