Apartments Presidential Palace i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietApartments Presidential Palace


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4, Lermontovova, 811 05, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slowakei
kontakter telefon: +421 902 549 963
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Latitude: 48.1506709, Longitude: 17.1062493

kommentar 5

  • Noname Eh

    Noname Eh


    Nice cheap place but in room 1 you will hear the front gate slaming the whole day, and night!

  • Катерина Динкова

    Катерина Динкова


    Clean rooms and quite place. Location is perfect! Hope we see you again. :)

  • Ruairi Murdiff

    Ruairi Murdiff


    Great location. Right in heart of Bratislava. Gods value for money. Has all the basic amenities and everything is in walking distance. We also had a free pick up from the owner because we stayed so many nights. He also pointed us in the right direction for haluski. Would recommend for the shrewd independent traveller.

  • en



    Not the best, but we got what we need, private bathroom, kitchen, washer. And location is absolutely great. No problem to use again.

  • Domenic Muhr

    Domenic Muhr


    Roch sehr stark nach Chlor und die parkmöglichkeit bestand darin, das man ein Zettel bekommen hat wo man alles umsonst parken darf. Fand ich nicht so toll. Das Zimmer war von der Ausstattung aber sehr angenehm

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