Ubytovanie v súkromí Privat Rooms Vilo i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietUbytovanie v súkromí Privat Rooms Vilo


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34, Holubyho, 811 03, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/544 167 77
internet side: www.penzionvilo.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.1514172, Longitude: 17.0937018

kommentar 5

  • Noge Nodoby

    Noge Nodoby


    Jediný klad blízko do centra cca 10minut pěšky.Zápory neochotný personál (spolumajitelka Penzionu), nehorázný bordel ve společné kuchyni, vypadávající WiFi,5 programů v televizi na které se dalo obstojně dívat,zbytek špatný obraz.Vybaveni pokoje cca 15-20let staré.Tento penzion doporučuji jen ve stavu nouze.

  • Milica Matijević

    Milica Matijević


    Decent place to stay, with domestic atmosphere. It is also pet friendly. I regret I stayed here during the autumn, it is certainly better in the summer, since it has a backyard to use and balcony. The neighborhood is also very peaceful and, in the same time, not far from the city center. Internet is not the best in the upstairs rooms, but it's possible to use it in the kitchen, which is downstairs.

  • en

    Maciej G.


    I stayed there a few years ago and time blurs bad memories, hence 2 stars. Terrible acoustics, everything seemed cheap and worn. Only location was well.

  • Atanas Boikliev

    Atanas Boikliev


    Little big dirty untidy and small for my taste. I've been to better hostels. It is OK for one night. Not for more.

  • en



    It isn't a 3 star. Only one star. And that price for one star is too expansive

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