PREMIUM ****Business Hotel Bratislava i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietPREMIUM ****Business Hotel Bratislava



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Bratislava, Priekopy, 821 08, Bratislava II, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/494 910 55
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1575064, Longitude: 17.1420525

kommentar 5

  • en

    joro radev


    Really great place - super friendly and supporting personal, good organization and clean and tidy room. Definatelly recomended!

  • William Grant

    William Grant


    Nice hotel, clean rooms and friendly staff. Would be more than willing to stay here again.

  • en

    Izidor Debenc


    Room is ok as well breakfast od amazing but they were doing something at 7 am on weekend and they wake us up.

  • Marcus Pemer

    Marcus Pemer


    Waiter literally took the food away from us (not allowing us to finish breakfast) because we did not finish by 10AM and still worked on our plates at 10:05AM. After taking the plates, he asked us to leave because he wanted to clean the table. Management booked a wedding without warning us, which kept us awake until 5AM (they handed us earplugs, as if that would help). After allowing us 3-4h of sleep, they had no flexibility on checkout time and we had to vacate the room promptly at 10AM or else we would be charged the equivalent of another night's fee. Unless you want to feel cheated or insulted, I suggest you take your money elsewhere.

  • Miloš Ranđić

    Miloš Ranđić


    Definitely one of the best hotels I’ve visited so far. Nice room, perfectly clean, great stuff, more than tasty breakfast. If you need to visit Bratislava, this hotel is highly recommend! Thanks guys.

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