Sina Pool (Hammam - Turkish Bath) i Trenčiansky kraj

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SlovakietSina Pool (Hammam - Turkish Bath)



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Kúpeľná, 914 51, Trenčín, Trenčiansky kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 32/651 41 40
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.909103, Longitude: 18.1728619

kommentar 5

  • llllllllllllllli rlllllllllllllll

    llllllllllllllli rlllllllllllllll


    OK 😊

  • Rita Svartz

    Rita Svartz


    Amazing historical place with really healthy water

  • Alastair Richardson

    Alastair Richardson


    Excellent Hammam and massage, clean and efficient and great natural water. There is a smell but that is just the natural minerals!

  • 曾彥豪



    It was my second time and the experiences were awesome. Me and my friend booked spa + massage, the simplest one, and our experiences were outstanding. The staff at the ticket office can speak Slovak, a bit English, and German. The reservation via emails was smooth and easy, pay on spot when you are there. The massagers' language skills might get limited, however, they are always smiling and trying to give you the best. Of course, only when you follow the rules, being silent in the spa all the time. The quality of water in the spa is to be considered the best one in Slovakia, 20 mins of spa + 10 mins of resting(wrapped in blanket). Smells really bad because of Sulfur but if you know hot springs, that's one of the best chemicals for skin cares. After massage, you will have chance to visit the original part of the building, Turkish Hammam. When there is no other guests, time to bring out cameras for photos. I will definitely go there again for relaxation!

  • J. Weissenheimer

    J. Weissenheimer


    A silent reminder of the bygone Turkish era. Ineresting example of Byzantine architcture

nærmeste Spa

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