Slovak Restaurant i Bratislavský kraj

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SlovakietSlovak Restaurant


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8, Panská, 811 01, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 903 282 805
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Latitude: 48.1425959, Longitude: 17.1079073

kommentar 5

  • en

    Karolina Pepel


    You order fish and chips for 7.9€ and at the end you find out that you need to pay extra for the chips which were dry and cold. The service was awful as well.. Very bad experience!

  • en

    Tamara Popovic


    WORST EXPERIENCE EVER! Extremely expensive, the food was not even that good & didn‘t satiate at all, the waiter was unfriendly and didn‘t allow to pay separately (If you can‘t pay the exact amount you won‘t get the drawback) and in the end I had to pay 5€ for the service! Unbelievable.

  • en

    Sara Widaa


    Simply awful. Hostile waiting staff. I can’t comment on the quality of the food as we got up and left. Avoid please.

  • Enrique Moctezuma

    Enrique Moctezuma


    Well, I’m not a person who writes a review but this time I cannot avoid this. Please do not go here!! It’s better buy a sandwich in a Tesco than ask for something here. Price are no bad, food could be, but service is completely terrible. Rude people, seems that they hate to service. They put tips even if they don’t deserve it. Run away from here!!!!

  • Susan Flack

    Susan Flack


    DO NOT GO TO THIS RESTAURANT. It may be conveniently located but that's it. The waiter was rude and dismissive. The prices are too high. We enjoyed excellent traditional foods with good prices at Slovak Pub. Farm to table restaurant that we enjoyed, "The Kubista's". The staff are friendly and courteous. Like the Czechs the Slovaks can seem cold and aloof. Some are downright rude. We didn't have any problems until we visited this crappy restaurant. THE WORST EXPERIENCE EVER. And we are on the road traveling for a year.

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