i Bratislavský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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7, Grösslingová, 811 09, Bratislava I, Bratislavský kraj, SK Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 2/330 564 49
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.1436709, Longitude: 17.114168

kommentar 5

  • sk

    Jan Navrátil


    Nenakupujte v tomto obchode!!!! Kúpil som si kopačky Puma 17.1 - pôvodná cena 220€ takže človek by čakal že niečo vydržia. Kopačky som riadne umýval, sušil, krémoval (koža) , nosil ich len na trávnik, žiadna umelá tráva ani nič. Maximum som venoval tomu aby vydržali čo najdlhšie a aj tak po 3 mesiacoch trhlina. Tak som ich odniesol na reklamáciu a reklamácia zamietnutá.Peniaze v čudu, kopačky tiež a ja môžem opäť kupovať nové. Ako vidím niesom sám ku komu sa tak chovajú, preto nenakupujte v tomto obchode !

  • dejan dejan

    dejan dejan



  • sk

    Martina Mlynárová


    Neodporúčam pri reklamácii tovaru sa zachovali tak, že to bola naša posledná objednávka. Synovi sa začali rozliepať kopačky z vnútornej strany a vyrozumenie bolo, že ich nesprávne používal.Asi sme ich mali mať vo vitríne a to ich mal dva mesiace.

  • Adam Garrison

    Adam Garrison


    Great soccer/football shop! I collect football scarves from all the countries I travel to and sometimes they are hard to find. Not in Bratislava! Top4Football was 1 minute from my hotel and by far the best football shop in Bratislava! I got the Slovakia jersey and scarf. If you want football jerseys, shorts, cleats, etc., this is the place to go!!

  • Michal Zorko

    Michal Zorko


    Very good personal service. I ordered cleats from their website and they were delivered very promptly to the shop here in Bratislava. They were unfortunately one size smaller so I went back to exchange them. Even though they didn't have the exact model I ordered, they helped me to try another 3 pairs, according to my demands. I ended up with more expensive option but I have to say I have no regrets as they fit perfectly. I asked a lot of questions, they were willing to answer and help. Very professional and they speak from their experience. From now on, if I will buy other cleats later on, I will go to them for sure.

nærmeste Butik

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