Wellness Hotel Chopok i Žilinský kraj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietWellness Hotel Chopok



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Demänovská Dolina 20, 031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš, 031 01 Demänovská dolina Jasná, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 44/559 14 90
internet side: www.hotelchopok.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.019298, Longitude: 19.576644

kommentar 5

  • Peter Kerak

    Peter Kerak


    Very nice hotel. Nice rooms, perfect food, bowling, animation programs for kids, events, good personal.

  • Emil Jianu

    Emil Jianu


    The hotel is located a few kilometers away from the ski slopes. The hotel provides a bus connection with the slopes, based on the schedule available at the front desk. A very rich buffet breakfast is available on every morning and the two wellness areas are the perfect relaxation after a day of skiing. A large parking area is available in front of the location. So it is a very good option for winter vacation in Jasna.

  • Nikodem Bąk

    Nikodem Bąk


    Very nice place to stay and ski at nearby resort. Good food, accomodation very smooth. The only issue was staff . Some of the people that were working at the moment were not to keen on that hotel. Overall great hotel

  • John Cullen

    John Cullen


    If your not a guest of the hotel they dont want to know you .couldnt even get a beer

  • Korhan Dundar

    Korhan Dundar


    Nice family resort with full of facilities, including swimming pool, sauna, massage, gym, play room for kids, bowling, billard and many more. It's like 5 minutes away from the main lift by car.

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