Wellness Hotel Repiská i Liptovský Mikuláš

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovakietWellness Hotel Repiská



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Demänovská Dolina č.31, 031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
kontakter telefon: +421 906 776 199
internet side: www.repiska.sk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.9905181, Longitude: 19.5758895

kommentar 5

  • Tudor Radu

    Tudor Radu


    Good food, pool is nice and clean, but services could be better.

  • jozef kivader

    jozef kivader


    Amazing place to stay in. In winter only by 4x4! On many occasions had to avoid stuck cars as the hotel is on a steep hill.

  • pawel rozowod

    pawel rozowod


    Great place calming sound of mountain stream Chopok summit view Mountain and Forest around Not tasty food but bar available

  • Ivan Bosmansky

    Ivan Bosmansky


    We had a lovely time in this hotel. It has perfect location and wonderful view from the pool. Decor is a little outdated but it is greatly compensated by helpfull staff, good food and very reasonable price for the package

  • The one

    The one


    Very well priced rooms and very helpful service. The location is also fantastic with amazing views on all sides, including onto Mt Chopok. The pool is also good to have. However, the rooms are old fashioned and there is absolutely no variety in the buffet. There is hardly any choice at all.

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